Welcome to ChessTree!

What is ChessTree?

I like chess. I like playing it, and I like studying it. I have lots of chess books which let me follow along the games of the masters, complete with move commentary. To fully understand why the player made a certain move, the authors provide many different potential alternate moves, complete with moves and commentary, sometimes more than 10 levels deep. When you're following along on a chess board, it's hard to keep track of all these subgames.

That's where ChessTree comes in. It's specifically designed to help the user study games and/or do their own exploring. It's very good at tracking the various paths of a game, and letting the user branch off to study a different move, or go back and continue along the main line. It keeps track of all the different branches and lets users go to any branch or move at any time. It's NOT meant to be used to play a game, though two players can use it to do just that. It contains no artificial intelligence, except for knowing the rules of the game.

If you'd like to help, I could use some help with internationalization, so if you speak a foreign language (natively!), drop me a line...

The User Manual for ChessTree can be found here.

If you want to keep up to date with ChessTree releases, click on the Mailing Lists link to the right.


Since the program is written in Java, the only requirement is a Java processor. It's available for free at Sun's home page. Be sure to get the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE), at least version 1.4.1.
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